
The Datastore is cloud database. It supports file attachments.

Retribute datastore

var datastore = project.datastore(id: 'DATASTORE_ID');

Search datastore

You can search datastore with some operands. You will get HexabaseItem that matched your search conditions.

var query = datastore.query();

Execute search

After set conditions to the query, you can retribute items with query. The query is optional.

// Default condition is all items and first page.
var items = await datastore.items();
// Filtering with search condition
var items = await datastore.items(query: query);

Search operands

Page and limit

page method specifies which page data is to be retrieved. You can develop pagination using the page and per methods.;


equalTo method can be used to search for matching data in a given field.

// fieldName == "Test"
query.equalTo('fieldName', 'Test');

You can use regexp for search.

// fieldName ~ /^[a-z0-9]*$/
query.equalTo('fieldName', '^[a-z0-9]*$');

Not equal

notEqualTo method can be used to search for NOT matching data in a given field.

// fieldName != "Test"
query.notEqualTo('fieldName', 'Test');

In Array

inArray method provides to search the data that maching all of givin data.

// name == "Apple" or name == "Orange"
query.inArray("name", ["Apple", "Orange"]);

Not in

notInArray method provides to search the data that unmaching all of givin data.

// name != "Apple" && name != "Orange"
query.notInArray("name", ["Apple", "Orange"]);

Greater than ">"

You can use greaterThan method to int and DateTime.

// price > 100
query.greaterThan("price", 100);

Greater than or equal

Only support int and DateTime.

// price >= 100
query.greaterThanOrEqualTo("price", 100);

Less than

Only support int and DateTime.

// price < 100
query.lessThan("price", 100);

Less than or equal

Only support int and DateTime.

// price <= 100
query.lessThanOrEqualTo("price", 100);